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- Why do elephants in the savannah always move in a very tight group?
- Because the elephant in the middle has a radio.
- And why are rhinos moving in a very tight group?
- Because they want elephants to believe that they have a radio, too.

- How can an alephant climb a tree?
- Hardly!

Version 2
- It hides into a nut and waits to be brought onto the tree by a squirrel.

How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator in three moves?

  1. You open the fridge;
  2. You put in the giraffe;
  3. You close the fridge door.

And how do you put in an elephant in four moves?

  1. You open the fridge;
  2. You take out the giraffe;
  3. You put in the elephant;
  4. You close the door.

- What is the similarity between an elephant and a tomato?
- Both are red, except elephant.

- Which animal has two gray legs, and two brown legs?
- Elephant that has diarrhea!

- What should be given to an elephant that has diarrhea?
- Lots of space!

- How do you kill a red elephant?
- With the special gun for red elephants.

- How do you kill a blue elephant?
- You slap it until it turns red and then shoot it with the special gun for red elephants.

- And how do you kill a yellow elephant?
- Strangle it until he turns blue, then slap it until it turns red and then kill it with the special gun for red elephants.

- How do you kill a black one?
- You fool, the black elephant does not exist!

An elephant meets a naked man and asks him:
- But how can you breathe with such a small trunk?

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